Qualitative Evaluation of West Yorkshire Maths Hub

Suzanne Straw and Eleanor Bradley

06 July 2022

Between November 2021 and March 2022, NFER undertook a small-scale qualitative evaluation of West Yorkshire Maths Hub’s Teaching for Mastery Work Groups for primary schools. The research comprised ten virtual school case studies, which included interviews with maths leads and teachers.

Key Findings

  • WYMH’s Teaching for Mastery Work Groups are highly regarded by schools, with visits to individual schools to support maths mastery, observations of mastery practice and school networking considered particularly effective.
  • Consultees reported that what sets the Teaching for Mastery Work Groups apart from much other CPD is its sustained nature and focus on whole-school change.
  • Key outcomes for schools were improved quality of teaching, underpinned by embedding the mastery approach and maths leads’ and teachers’ increased confidence and expertise in leading and teaching maths.
  • Emerging outcomes for pupils were deepened understanding, and improved application, of maths concepts; improved problem solving and reasoning skills; increased skills in justifying answers; and improved engagement with, and enjoyment of, maths, often linked to increased confidence in their maths ability.