IOMW 2020 Virtual Conference

Thursday 4 February 2021

Online Event

The IOMW seeks to foster discussion and scholarship on high-quality, rigorous measurement practices in any field. It convenes every two years and draws experts and practitioners from around the world to share work in the areas of:

  • Measurement in human sciences: education, medicine, licensure, surveys
  • Philosophy of measurement
  • Objectivity-oriented models and methodologies.

On 4 February 2021, NFER’s Research Director, Harry Kollias, will be presenting on evaluating virtual standard setting workshops through a Many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM) framework.

The high costs associated with conducting face-to-face cut score studies have resulted in many standard setting practitioners exploring the feasibility of using virtual methods for such workshops. The aim of this study was to explore whether reliable and valid cut scores could be set in two synchronous virtual environments - audio and video. One way to investigate which virtual media (audio vs. video) is best suited to conduct a synchronous virtual standard setting workshop is to place all instruments and all judgments on the same linear scale through the Rasch measurement model. The focus of this presentation is on the framework used to evaluate cut scores set through the Many-Facet Rasch measurement (MFRM) model.