Teacher Labour Market in England Report 2021 Launch

Monday 22 March 2021

10:30 - 11:30

Online Event

You can view the recording from the event below:

At this event, Jack Worth (School Workforce Lead, NFER) will present the key insights from the research on the impact of Covid-19 on teachers’ well-being and on teacher supply.

A panel of education experts will reflect on the research findings and give their thoughts on what the next steps are for policymakers and school leaders. Chaired by Cheryl Lloyd (Programme Head, Education, Nuffield Foundation), the panel will include:

  • Professor Dame Alison Peacock (Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching)
  • Ian Bauckham CBE (Chair at Ofqual, and CEO and Director of Tenax Schools Trust and leading DfE’s ITT market review)
  • Emma Hollis (Executive Director of the National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT))

The webinar will include contributions from our panellists, followed by an online Q&A session where we will encourage participants to ask questions.

The event is managed in accordance with our privacy notice. We will be recording the event and by registering onto this event, you are agreeing to NFER’s privacy notice.

More info on our guests

Cheryl Lloyd (Programme Head, Education, Nuffield Foundation)

Cheryl is a Programme Head at the Nuffield Foundation. She leads the development and management of the research portfolio relating to young people aged 13+, focusing on educational disadvantage, teaching quality, young people’s pathways and skills. Prior to joining the Nuffield Foundation, Cheryl was a Research Director at NatCen Social Research where she designed and managed quantitative and mixed-method studies in the fields of education, families and youth unemployment for government, academic and third sector organisations.

Jack Worth (School Workforce Lead, NFER)

An expert on the school workforce, Jack has authored a number of NFER publications on the recruitment, retention and development of teachers in England and Wales. As an economist specialising in analysing a range of large datasets, he brings insight on the changing teaching profession to inform policy and practice. 

Alison Peacock (Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching)

Prior to becoming CEO of the Chartered College of Teaching, Professor Dame Alison Peacock was Executive Headteacher of The Wroxham School in Hertfordshire. Her career to date has spanned primary, secondary and advisory roles. In 2018, she became an Honorary Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, one of the first ever female Fellows admitted. She is also a Visiting Professor of both the University of Hertfordshire and Glyndwr University.

Ian Bauckham CBE (Chair at Ofqual, and CEO and Director of Tenax Schools Trust and leading DfE’s ITT market review)

Ian joined the Ofqual board in March 2018 and became Chair in January 2021. In addition to his duties at Ofqual, he holds the following positions:

  • CEO and Director of Tenax Schools Trust
  • Trustee of Sabre Education
  • Trustee of Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)
  • Board Member of the Confederation of Schools Trusts (CST)
  • Chair - Project Board Oak National Academy

Emma Hollis (Executive Director of the National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT)) 

Emma Hollis is Executive Director of the National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT) which promotes high-quality schools-led programmes of training, education and professional development of teachers. Emma was appointed in 2017 having previously been a Trustee at NASBTT for 18 months. She was also formerly Head of a Teaching School Alliance and ran a SCITT.