The impact of Covid-19 disruption on attainment in KS1
Thursday 3 February 2022
You can view the recording from the event below:
This webinar delves into findings from research, published by the Education Endowment Foundation, assessing the impact of disruptions to learning on younger pupils’ reading and maths skills.
This study, by NFER, looks at data from reading and maths assessments taken by more than 10,000 Key Stage 1 pupils (five to seven-year-olds) from 168 representative schools in the autumn term of 2020 and the spring and summer terms of 2021. Their attainment was compared with that of a representative sample of Year 1 and 2 children prior to the pandemic to give estimates of the “Covid gap”. It is the final report in the research project and follows two sets of interim findings from this study.
The webinar features inputs by key members of the project team (Susan Rose, Tara Paxman, and Lydia Fletcher) and covers the following:
- the background to the project
- the main findings from the research
- potential implications for teaching practice based on the findings.
We also held a short Q&A session at the end of the presentation for participants to ask any questions that they may have had.