Age-related Expectation Outcomes - A Tool for Assessment, Teaching and Learning
This 30 minute webinar, specifically for primary schools and presented by NFER Researcher, Elizabeth Pope, focused on the age-related expectation outcomes produced when using NFER’s summer set of tests in maths and reading.
NFER’s new suite of optional tests supports teachers in assessment without levels by providing evidence of both attainment and progress. Our easy to use tools are designed to make analysis of tests results intuitive for teachers; automatically converting raw test scores into a number of useful outputs for each pupil, including age-related expectations. During this webinar you will gain insight on:
- What are age-related expectations?
- How have NFER developed age-related expectations for their summer set of tests based on the new curriculum?
- How do these expected standards developed for years 3 to 5 relate to pupils test scores on the NFER summer tests?
- How do the autumn set of tests differ from the summer set and why are age-related expectations not appropriate here?
- What is the relationship between NFER’s age-related expectations and the expected threshold for the STA end of key stage national tests?
- How can teachers use age-related expectation outcomes for assessment purposes and to inform teaching and learning throughout key stage 2?
You can watch a recording of the webinar here: