NFER comments on Ofsted review of T Levels


Thursday 20 July 2023

Commenting in response to Ofsted’s report on T Levels, Lisa Morrison Coulthard, Research Director at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) said: 

 “The Ofsted report echoes some of the findings from the recent Technical Education Learner Survey including lower rates of satisfaction among the second cohort of T Level learners- particularly health and science students. 

“However, there are some promising signs, with almost all of the first cohort of T Level students completing their placement despite the pandemic and almost half of T Level Transition Programme learners undertaking work experience.

“Given this mixed picture, it is crucial that time is taken to address these teething problems before well-established proven Applied Generals are defunded. Continuing with this plan could have harmful and long-lasting effects on the educational outcomes of young people, especially disadvantaged groups.”