A Guide to Running Randomised Controlled Trials for Educational Researchers

Ben Styles , Dougal Hutchison

13 September 2010

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Randomised controlled trials are seen as the gold standard for evidence-based educational practice. This guide examines when they should be used to evaluate an intervention and when other approaches may be more suitable.

It is essential reading for educational researchers, and for those commissioning research.


1. The future is random - the 'why' and 'when' of randomised controlled trials
2. Ed versus med: differences and similarities between educational and medical experiments
3. The simplest design
4. Testing before the intervention
5. Clustered data
6. Calculation of sample size
7. Dropout: prevention is better than cure

Additional information

A guide to running randomised controlled trials for educational researchers

Related Titles

A guide to running randomised controlled trials for educational researchers , A guide to running randomised controlled trials for educational researchers , A guide to running randomised controlled trials for educational researchers , Education on the web , 'How to' Guides collection , How to… Run randomised controlled trials (RCTs)

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