Careers Professionals' Involvement with Schools: A practical guide for headteachers
01 June 2012
This document offers practical guidance for school leaders based on findings from A review of careers professionals' involvement in schools in the UK. The report explored what the best available recent research tells us about successful careers education, information, advice and guidance (CE/IAG) for supporting all school pupils (i.e. 'universal support') and those who are at greater risk of becoming NEET ('targeted support'), in their transitions and decision-making. Evidence from this review shows that the key approaches listed here are beneficial in supporting all young people to make positive transitions from education to employment, and in helping to prevent some from being 'NEET'.
The nature of this topic means that almost all of the research evidence, and thus this guidance, pertains to secondary schools. However, there is some relevance for primary schools and their heads, and a final section refers specifically to that context.