Children and Young People of Kent: Survey 2006/7: Final Report
01 June 2007
Final report available to download from Kent County Council website
Executive summary available to download from Kent County Council website
The NFER was commissioned by Kent County Council (KCC) to conduct an independent survey of children and young people in Kent. The council and its partner agencies wanted to find out what children and young people thought about a range of issues related to the five Every Child Matters (ECM) outcomes (be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being). The purpose of the research was to provide information that would support self-evaluation and planning for improvement at county, cluster and school level.
The study involved two specifically-designed questionnaire surveys: one for primary pupils (aged 7-11) and one for secondary school and college students, including those participating in work-based learning (young people aged 11-19). Pupils in special schools and pupil referral units were included in both surveys.
In total, 31,527 children, aged from seven to 11, from 382 schools took part in the paper-based primary school survey. This survey was administered in schools, at a class level, by teachers. A total of 11,305 children and young people, aged from 11 to 19, from 98 secondary schools and in other educational providers completed the secondary survey, which was administered online.