Children and Young People of Kent: Survey 2009


01 June 2010

For the third consecutive year, NFER was commissioned by Kent County Council (KCC) to conduct an independent survey of children and young people, to gather their views and experiences across a range of issues, and to inform planning, service development and review at strategic level, local level and in Kent schools.

The survey aimed to:

    provide information on children and young people’s needs and priorities across the county, to inform future planning of services
  • assist KCC in meeting their 2010 target to ‘listen to young people’s views and opinions and develop their ideas to improve education and life in Kent’
  • enable comparisons to be made with the findings from the NFER 2006/07 and 2007/08 surveys in Kent and with the Tellus4 national survey.

Additional information

Children and young people of Kent

Sponsor Details

Kent County Council