Children and Young People's Views of Education Policy

Sarah Golden, Tamsin Chamberlain, Caroline Bergeron

29 March 2011

Available to download from the DERA website

This research aimed to build, from the point of view of children and young people, a strong evidence base of what works in educational policy and what does not. The report will support the Children's Commissioner in her work to promote children's rights. Specifically, the research sought to collect children and young people's views on:

  • their school experience and what it was like to be a 'consumer' of education in the latter part of 2010
  • which issues within education they felt to be most important
  • what makes a good teacher
  • fairness in the school admissions system
  • fairness in the school exclusions system.

In total, just over 2,000 children and young people participated in research with 1,957 participating in the online survey and 47 participating in eight focus groups.

Download the summary for children

Additional information

Children and young people's views of education policy

Sponsor Details

Office of the Children's Commissioner