Collaborative Good Practice between Local Authorities and the Further Education Sector
29 September 2009
This report examines nine case studies of good practice drawing out the key elements of collaboration that work to improve outcomes for young people. The benefits of close working and joint planning included:
- improved progression, attainment and retention
- reduction in the numbers of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs)
- enhanced range and quality of provision
- improved transition support for learners
Mutual trust, respect, openness, honesty, transparency and equality of standing between partners were seen to be crucial for building confidence between local authorities and FE colleges. Other key features needed to secure a positive impact on young people in terms of engagement, progression and transition included;
- regular formal and informal communication
- strategic buy-in
- a joined-up structure
- a shared vision and
- a commitment to raising standards for young people.
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Collaborative good practice between local authorities and the further education sectorRelated Titles
Collaborative good practice between local authorities and the further education sector , Collaborative good practice between local authorities and the further education sector , Collaborative good practice between local authorities and the further education sector , impact of 14-16 year olds on further education colleges , impact of 14-19 year olds on further education colleges , Consultation on careers guidance for schools, sixth form colleges and further education institutions