Devon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: Value for Money Report
15 July 2011
Executive summary | Case study report
This report examines the Value for Money (VfM) of the Devon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the metrics that could be used for assessing its impact over the medium and longer term. It should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Case-Study Report. As the MASH is midway through a phased roll-out, it is too early to make a definitive assessment as to whether it offers good VfM. Whilst some of its costs and benefits are immediate, others will take time to emerge as the system beds in and the intended benefits towards the safeguarding of children are realised. However, it is possible at this stage both to provide a framework within which VfM can be monitored and assessed going forwards and to recommend measures to achieve this. This provides a valuable narrative to promote a wider understanding of the MASH within Devon and further afield, and establishes an evidence base to inform further service improvement.
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