Essential Guide: Developing the 14-19 Prospectus
01 July 2006
Guidance is now available for local authorities and local learning and skills councils which are jointly responsible for developing a Prospectus of learning opportunities for 14-19 year olds. Based on an evaluation of existing Prospectus websites, the guidance provides useful information and advice about methods that have proved successful in developing Prospectuses. The Prospectus will help young people choose courses and providers, and will help others to give them advice and support.
See the DfES 14-19 website for more information.
Key Findings
- It was considered crucial for local Prospectuses to include a course search, detailed course information and provider details.
- Involvement of web designers was considered crucial for the effective design of the Prospectus sites.
- Stakeholders suggested using a standard template of course information so information from providers was consistent.
- Online updating facilities for providers had proved successful in keeping information on Prospectuses up-to-date.
- It was perceived that the Prospectus should not be viewed as a stand alone entity; rather it should be embedded as a key element within the wider local 14-19 strategy (for example, in relation to curriculum planning).
- Stakeholders held the view that the Prospectus should not be used in isolation; rather it should be embedded into careers education and the wider guidance given to young people.