Evaluation of SHINE on Saturdays

Caroline Sharp, Tamsin Chamberlain, Dawn Sanders, Nalia George, Helen Aston

02 August 2011

Available from the SHINE website.

The SHINE Trust commissioned NFER to evaluate the impact of its SHINE on Saturdays programme in 2010. The programme involves the Trust funding schools or other educational organisations to provide a SHINE on Saturday school aimed at underachieving children from disadvantaged backgrounds. The SHINE on Saturday model emphasises the creative curriculum and is based on alternative and accelerated learning concepts, which set it apart from traditional Saturday school provision. NFER’s evaluation found that the programme is helping students to develop a positive attitude towards learning, which was reported to have had a knock-on effect on widening participation in post-compulsory education and training, as students’ aspirations for the future also improved.

Further information on the SHINE on Saturdays programme is available on the SHINE website.

Key Findings

  • the SHINE on Saturdays programme is having a positive impact on the lives of students in terms of learning, social and emotional outcomes and there were clear examples of SHINE on Saturday providing additional learning and enrichment opportunities for students.
  • students are positive about the programme’s impact on their learning and attainment data indicates that their progress is on a par with expected progress for children at Key Stage 2.
  • the programme is also having a positive impact on teaching staff and schools. Teaching at SHINE on Saturday can renew staff enthusiasm for teaching and curriculum and pedagogical innovation has transferred from SHINE on Saturday into Monday to Friday school in some instances.
  • the programme is reported to have had a positive impact on encouraging closer links within communities and parental engagement

Additional information

Evaluation of SHINE on Saturdays

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