Evaluation of the Carmarthenshire Lifelong Learning Network

Robert Smith, Robat Powell, Gareth Jones

20 December 2006

The report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Carmarthenshire Lifelong Learning Network.

The research found that the Lifelong Learning Network has been able to reach out to people who have not previously taken part in any formal learning activities through the work of the Community Learning Officers (CLOs), who were appointed to work for the Network. A range of courses were delivered in community-based venues, usually by tutors employed by the local FE college. The role of the CLOs is to identify need, encourage people to participate, and support them during their courses.

The Learning Network works closely with voluntary groups across Carmarthenshire in order to:

  • develop community links
  • identify potential learners
  • gain an understanding of community learning needs.

In addition, the Learning Network has a dedicated Voluntary Sector Learning Officer whose role is to work with organised voluntary groups to identify learning needs and to develop such provision.

The Network has also been instrumental in establishing Local Learning Fora which bring together different providers in different parts of Carmarthenshire. These Fora enable providers to discuss and plan provision and are emerging as a way of improving dialogue and cooperation among them.

Sponsor Details

Carmarthenshire County Council