Evaluation of the Nature and Impact of the Creative Partnerships Programme on the Teaching Workforce

Emily Lamont, Pippa Lord, Jennifer Jeffes

01 December 2010

The Creative Partnerships programme brings creative workers such as artists, architects and scientists into schools to work with teachers to inspire young people and help them learn. Creative Partnerships is England’s flagship creative learning programme, designed to develop the skills of children and young people across England, raising their aspirations, achievements and life chances. NFER was commissioned to evaluate the impact of Creative Partnerships on members of the teaching workforce.

Key Findings

A national survey completed by 2,295 members of the teaching workforce, as well as in-depth case studies, highlighted the following key findings:

  • The creative learning programme has an impact on teachers’ personal development, their interpersonal and leadership skills, their teaching and learning skills and subsequently their career progression.
  • The most commonly reported impacts on teachers included the development of skills for working with creative professionals, enhanced confidence to try new things, and the development of skills to help children to be more creative. Teachers also commonly reported that they felt more enthusiastic about their job, had developed the curriculum in their department or school, and had developed their communication with their colleagues as a result of the Creative Partnerships programme.
  • Sixty-two per cent of respondents stated that Creative Partnerships had greater impact on their professional development when compared with other initiatives and programmes in which they have engaged. This was largely attributed to the opportunities that it creates for teachers to develop and use new skills, to the often sustained and whole-school involvement in Creative Partnerships and to the opportunities for working with external partners.

Related Titles

Evaluation of the nature and impact of the Creative Partnerships programme on the teaching workforce , Evaluation of the nature and impact of the Creative Partnerships programme on the teaching workforce , Evaluation of the nature and impact of the Creative Partnerships programme on the teaching workforce , impact of creative partnerships on pupil behaviour , longer-term impact of creative partnerships on the attainment of young people , impact of Creative Partnerships on attainment and attendance in 2008-9 and 2009-10

Sponsor Details

Creativity, Culture & Education (CCE)