Hidden Talents: Examples of Transition of Careers Guidance From Local Authorities to Schools

Caroline Filmer-Sankey, Tami McCrone

25 October 2012

Executive summary

The Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned NFER to collate case study examples of how local authorities (LAs) are supporting schools in their enhanced role to provide independent and impartial careers guidance to young people in Years 9 to 11.

Eight LAs were selected by the LGA and NFER carried out telephone interviews with the key strategic lead on the transition of careers guidance from local authorities to schools. LAs nominated a school in their authority and NFER carried out telephone interviews with senior leaders and careers coordinators in seven schools.

Key Findings

  • LAs are supporting schools to meet their new careers guidance duty firstly by encouraging the continued participation of young people in learning, tracking young people’s destinations, and identifying those with no clear pathways. Secondly, by providing direct support to schools, for example updates on policy matters and training on commissioning independent external careers guidance. Thirdly, LAs are supporting schools with the commissioning of careers guidance services from external providers.
  • The schools in this study report that what has helped them to feel well prepared to take on their new statutory duty is: being well informed and supported by the LA and local partnerships; embracing the new legislation and carrying out their own preparation for the transition; having a well-qualified careers coordinator on their staff: and building on their current careers guidance systems.
  • Schools are collaborating with a variety of different organisations to provide careers guidance. However, on the whole, schools indicated that they do not work with other schools to commission careers guidance provision because their priority is to procure careers guidance that is designed to meet the needs of their own students.

Related Titles

Contribution of careers education and guidance to school effectiveness in partnership schools , case for careers education and guidance for 14-19 year-olds , Consultation on careers guidance for schools, sixth form colleges and further education institutions

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