Hitting the Targets: Evaluation of progress towards foundation targets 1 and 3 by English region

Ian Schagen, David Sims, David Hewitt, Penelope Weston

01 July 1997

This report is essential reading for all those concerned about progress towards Foundation Targets at the national, regional or local level. NFER was commissioned to carry out a thorough investigation into the regional variations in progress towards hitting these targets, to research the factors that influence variations in achievement, and to identify effective strategies for raising attainment and reliable methods for monitoring progress towards the targets.

To meet these aims, two parallel strands of research were carried out: a quantitative strand which involved detailed statistical analysis of available datasets, in particular the Labour Force Survey (LFS), and a qualitative strand including interviews with key personnel in Government Office Regions, LEAs, TECs, schools and colleges.

The findings are important, both in terms of recommendations about data collection and analysis locally and nationally, and in terms of identifying a broad range of strategies which are being used a different levels to improve performance and move closer to the Foundation Targets.

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