Local Authorities' Approaches to Children's Trust Arrangements

Claire Easton, Pauline Wade, Robert Smith, Monica Hetherington, Geoff Gee, Helen Aston

20 July 2012

Case studies report

At a time of enormous change within local government and public health, the Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned NFER to investigate local authorities’ approaches to their children’s trust arrangements and how they are fulfilling their duty to promote co-operation with partners to improve children and young people's health and wellbeing. We carried out the research during early spring 2012.

Key Findings

  • Generally, local authorities appeared to have taken advantage of new flexibilities and freedoms around Children's Trust arrangements, for example, by streamlining board membership.
  • Generally Local Strategic Partnerships (LSP) have been superseded by the new bodies (for example, Shadow Health and Wellbeing Boards and CCGs).
  • Local authorities and partners have built on existing structures, partnership working and a shared ethos, rather than radically reforming their previous Children's Trust arrangements.
  • Local authorities and partners remain committed to developing a children's commissioning plan, either through their existing Children and Young People's Plan arrangements or via new plans.
  • Local authorities and partners are committed to ensuring the Children's Trust Boards (or equivalent); Health and Wellbeing Boards and CCGs are strategic, streamlined and focussed on improving outcomes.

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