NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus March 2013 Survey: Mathematics Teaching in Schools

Katie Pyle, Rose Cook

18 December 2013

Download report from DfE website

The Department for Education submitted six questions to NFER’s Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey in March 2013. The questions covered the following topics: teachers’ A-level subject qualifications; hours of time spent teaching in front of a class, overall and for mathematics specifically; teachers’ main teaching subject and experience of, and interest in, teaching mathematics.

Key Findings

  • A higher proportion of secondary than primary teachers said they held mathematics, chemistry or physics A-levels
  • Proportionally more primary teachers said that they teach a greater number of hours in front of a class than secondary teachers
  • Only 14 per cent of the teachers who responded to the survey have mathematics as their main teaching subject
  • Secondary teachers were proportionally much more likely than primary teachers to say that nothing would encourage them to teach more mathematics while primary teachers were proportionally more likely to say that they already taught as much mathematics as they could.

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