NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus: May to July 2016 Survey - DfE Questions

Robert Smith, David Sims, Adam Rabiasz, Jack Tattersall

22 February 2017

Research report on the DfE website

The Department for Education (DfE) submitted questions on a range of key policy areas to the NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey and Senior Leader Booster Survey conducted in the summer of 2016. This report provides a summary of and commentary on the responses to these questions.

The questions explored teachers’ and senior leaders’ views on, and strategies and activities relating to, a range of areas such as: mental health; aspiration to headship; flexible working and performance-related pay; the self-improving school system; curriculum and qualification reform; STEM subject teaching; careers education; developing character and resilience; the pupil premium; behaviour and attendance, and special educational needs.

Related Titles

NFER Teacher voice omnibus: May to July 2016 survey - DfE questions , NFER Teacher voice omnibus: May to July 2016 survey - DfE questions , NFER Teacher voice omnibus: May to July 2016 survey - DfE questions , NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus , NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus , Teacher Voice Omnibus Results November 2015

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