Reclaiming those Disengaged from Education and Learning: A European perspective
16 November 2005
Young people’s disengagement from education and learning is an issue of concern across Europe. Since the early 1990s, NFER has been involved in research focusing on the reasons for, and possible solutions to, this problem. Nine members of the Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe met to explore the issues of disengagement and discuss strategies that were seen as effective in addressing the problem, in a number of different European contexts. This book reports on the outcome of their meetings.
The discussion covers the contextual factors that affect disengagement, common factors that impact of the level of disengagement, and the preventative and curative initiatives and practices that are in place to address the problems.
Supported by a cross-national bibliography and full country-by-country comparison information, the report identifies a number of learning points at pupil, national and local levels, making it important reading for education strategists, policy makers and practitioners alike.