Review of the South East Sector Led Improvement Programme's Peer Challenge Programme

Richard White, Shona Macleod, Fiona Walker

18 June 2015

The review aimed to provide a qualitative narrative of the Peer Challenge Programme for SESLIP and explored the: motivations for, and benefits of, local authorities’ involvement; the programme’s effective aspects; the impact of participation in the Programme; and potential aspects for improvement.

Key Findings

Motivations for involvement as a host (receiving a peer challenge) included the opportunity to: benefit from expert external input into a specific issue requiring improvement; develop the general culture and practice of improvement; and provide external validation of improvement approaches. As a visitor (a member of the team visiting another local authority to conduct a peer challenge), local authorities’ motivations included the opportunity to: facilitate professional development; and acquire knowledge and experience.

Benefits of involvement for host local authorities included: the chance to be involved in independent, but relevant, scrutiny; receiving valuable external perspectives from an appropriately skilled and experienced team; the support for reflective practice opportunities; and developing new links with similar professionals in other local authorities. As a visitor, local authorities benefited from personal and professional opportunities and experiences.

Effective elements included the: participants’ characteristics and composition; availability of multiple local authorities’ perspectives; clear pre-visit communication between DCSs; clarity and focus of the challenge’s parameters; time invested in preparing for and conducting a challenge; and the feedback and follow up activities.

Impact of participation included local authorities’ use of the outcomes of the Peer Challenge Programme to: strengthen the basis for, or corroborate, planned decisions in relation to their improvement journeys; and redesign elements of the systems or services provided to children and young people.

Additional information

Review of the South East Sector Led Improvement Programme's Peer Challenge Programme

Related Titles

Review of the South East Sector Led Improvement Programme's Peer Challenge Programme , Review of the South East Sector Led Improvement Programme's Peer Challenge Programme , Review of the South East Sector Led Improvement Programme's Peer Challenge Programme , impact of Safeguarding Children Peer Reviews , Longer-term impact of safeguarding children peer reviews , Young people and e-safety

Sponsor Details

South East Sector Led Improvement Programme (SESLIP)