STEM Education Learning Report: Social Investments in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Educations


10 June 2014

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NFER was commissioned by BG Group to assess its social investment in STEM education projects in five countries between 2011-2013 (Australia, Brazil, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, and the UK). This research aimed to identify key lessons and success factors which would be of wider interest and value to other organisations aiming to support, or deliver, STEM education initiatives.

Our assessment found that BG Group's investment in 20 STEM education projects benefited more than 30,000 students directly and that more than 1,300 teachers and 900 schools received training and support.

Learning from the delivery of these STEM education projects has highlighted six elements to consider when designing STEM education activities:

Key Findings

  • establish and develop strategic partnerships
  • understand and adapt to national and local need and context
  • use strategies to effectively engage target groups
  • take account of key success factors for project design and delivery (e.g. building in time prior to delivery for relationship building, engaging young people using interactive, contextualised and practical activities and building teachers’ capacity to deliver activities in school by including an element of teacher professional development)
  • employ reflective practice
  • devise consistent monitoring and evaluation processes.

BG Group has used this evidence to identify areas for further developing its STEM education programme including adopting a more consistent approach to monitoring and evaluating the progress and impact of projects.

This report is based on a review of project documentation, interviews with BG Group staff and staff from organisations delivering STEM projects, as well as a small-scale evidence review.

Additional information

STEM Education Learning Report

Related Titles

STEM Education Learning Report , STEM Education Learning Report , STEM Education Learning Report , Why mathematics education needs whole-system, not piecemeal reform , Science education - have we overlooked what we are good at? , Achievement of 15-year-olds in England

Sponsor Details

BG Group plc