Tellus4 National Report

Tom Benton, Sarah Golden, Tamsin Chamberlain, Nalia George, Fiona Walker

01 March 2010

This report is no longer available.

Tellus was a national survey which gathered children and young people’s views on their life, their school and their local area. Findings from the survey were used to inform policy development and to measure progress and performance, at a local and national level. The survey was originally developed by Ofsted as an online survey in 2007 (Tellus2) and run again in 2008 (Tellus3). NFER was commissioned to further develop and deliver Tellus4 in autumn 2009. The survey represents the views of 253,755 children and young people in school years 6, 8 and 10 in 3,699 schools.

Key Findings

  • Most children and young people feel happy about life, have good friends and are positive about their school in terms of giving them useful skills and knowledge, and giving them feedback on their progress.
  • The majority plan to remain in learning and about six out of ten intend to go to university/higher education in future.
  • Although some experience bullying, which is often at least weekly for those who do, most feel that their school deals well with bullying.
  • Many are active both during and after school and at the weekends, particularly boys, and say that they eat some fruit and vegetables typically three to four pieces a day.
  • The majority do not smoke or take drugs and the majority of those who have tried alcohol do not get drunk regularly.
  • Around three out of five children and young people say that they participate in group activities led by an adult and around half are satisfied with parks and play areas.

Additional information

Tellus4 national report

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