The Delivery of the Curriculum to Disengaged Young People in Scotland

Sally Kendall, Kay Kinder, Richard White, Mairi-Ann Cullen

01 November 2001

This report offers an exploration of the range of strategies and provision across Scotland that is aimed at addressing young people's disaffection and disengagement from learning. It explores the types of provision in place, ranging from those with a preventative focus and those addressing disengagement within educational contexts, to alternative forms of educational provision aiming to 'reclaim' those who have become completely disengaged. The study is based on information received from a national survey of Scottish secondary schools, FE colleges and other organisations working with young people, a telephone survey of 41 questionnaire respondents and 16 case studies. During the case-study phase of the research, young people, their parents/carers and strategic and operational staff were interviewed to gain their perspectives and insights into the strategies and interventions used to re-engage young people in learning.

Additional information

delivery of the curriculum to disengaged young people in Scotland

Related Titles

delivery of the curriculum to disengaged young people in Scotland , delivery of the curriculum to disengaged young people in Scotland , delivery of the curriculum to disengaged young people in Scotland , Indicators to identify the disengaged , Rapid review of parental engagement and narrowing the gap in attainment for disadvantaged children , Teacher Guide