The Writing Repertoire: Developing writing at key stage 2
01 September 1996
According to the revised English curriculum, children at Key Stage 2 should be beginning to understand that ...writing is essential to thinking and learning, and enjoyable in itself.
In this book, Key Stage 2 teachers will find a wealth of information to help them make enjoyable writing a reality in their classroom. In addition to a manageable section explaining the principles that underpin the National Curriculum Programme of Study for writing, it contains a variety of practical teaching activities which will enable teachers to offer children a full range of writing experiences. These are fully supported by worksheets which may be photocopied. From letters to the Mayor of Hamelin to notes on Narnia, from 'poetry secrets' to working with CD-ROM, each activity is outlined in a series of manageable steps, involving class talk, group and pair work or individual tasks. There is advice on developing a constructive planning and drafting procedure to help children in their writing, and suggestions for extension activities broaden the applications of the book even further.
The final section, on the assessment of children's written work, will also provide a useful bridge between end-of-key-stage assessment and the day-to-day needs of the classroom. The assessment needs of the children themselves are considered, as well as the needs of teachers, parents and the whole school.
Like its companion volume The Reading Repertoire, this is a book that teachers will turn to again and again for practical and stimulating ideas to enhance the teaching of English at Key Stage 2.