Third Evaluation of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme

Tom Benton, David Teeman, Emma Scott, Yarim Shamsan, Janet Cade, Joan Ransley, Julia Waldman, Sarah Lynch, James Thomas, Karen White, Sue Stoddart

22 March 2010

Research report available to download from Department of Health website

Executive summary available to download from Department of Health website

The Department of Health (DH) commissioned NFER in partnership with the nutritionists at the University of Leeds, to carry out a third evaluation of the impact of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS). This independent evaluation builds on those previously conducted for the Big Lottery Fund in 2004 and for the Department of Health in 2006.

It aims to explore the longer-term impact of the Scheme. Data, collected in 2008, has been compared with that gathered in the earlier evaluations in order to compare findings over this period.

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