What do results from attitude surveys tell us about likely ratings from Ofsted?

Tom Benton

21 November 2011

Since early 2010 the NFER has been working with both primary and secondary schools to provide a service which allows schools to survey their own pupils and parents, so that they can better understand their views across a range of issues. Over 500 primary schools have now participated in the NFER attitude survey service.

This short document summarises a brief analysis of the data exploring the relationship between survey results from primary schools and the ratings given to these schools by Ofsted in their most recent inspections. The strength of this relationship is of interest as it provides some evidence about the validity of results from such surveys.

The findings suggest that results from attitude surveys may provide some indication of how well a school is likely to perform in an inspection.

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What do results from attitude surveys tell us about likely ratings from Ofsted?

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