Covid-19 Recovery
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on education. Since Spring 2020, NFER has conducted a wealth of research to understand the impact of the pandemic on pupils, teachers and schools in England, both during periods of partial school closures and in the longer term. This includes the 'Schools' responses to Covid-19' research project, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.

Learning Recovery in Yorkshire and the Humber
This research, commissioned by White Rose Maths (WRM), explored evidence of a wider Covid-19 attainment gap, and aimed to understand the challenges faced by schools and how learning recovery in the region can best be supported.

The Impact of Covid-19 on pupil attainment - a summary of research evidence
NFER have analysed the general trends in the data across several studies to investigate the impact of Covid-19 on educational attainment.

The impact of Covid on mainstream schools and special settings in 2020 and 2021 – Four things learned
This short report summarises the main findings from two national research studies focusing on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mainstream and special education.

Special schools’ and colleges’ experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic: Summer 2021
Following on from a previous study of what happened to provision in special settings during lockdowns, this study reports what effects Headteachers felt the pandemic has had on pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).

The reported effects of the pandemic on pupils in special schools and colleges and what they need now
This follow-up study explores what has happened to provision in special schools and colleges in 2021.

Recovery during a pandemic: the ongoing impacts of Covid-19 on schools serving deprived communities
This report builds on the previous policy briefing which provided insights into schools’ support for the recovery of learning, wellbeing and opportunity, as well as challenges and support needs, once pupils returned to school full-time from March 2021.

Recovering from Covid-19: What Pupils and Schools Need Now - Policy Briefing
This study provides insights into pupils’ and schools’ needs in summer 2021, based on in-depth interviews with senior leaders in 50 mainstream primary and secondary schools predominantly serving deprived populations across England.

School and Trust Governance during the Covid-19 pandemic: Findings from investigative research
The Department for Education (DfE) commissioned NFER to undertake case study research into how school and trust governing boards responded to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021.

The impact of Covid-19 on schools in England: experiences of the third period of partial school closures and plans for learning recovery
Between 12 and 17 March 2021, we invited NFER’s Teacher Voice panel to respond to eight questions about the impact of Covid-19 on their pupils and schools, and about the Government’s learning-recovery strategies.

The implications of Covid-19 on the school funding landscape
Building on our initial Covid-19 research in the Spring of 2020, this report investigates the impact of the pandemic on the funding landscape in mainstream primary and secondary schools in England.

The impact of Covid-19 on initial teacher training
This research report highlights some of the main opportunities and challenges facing the ITT sector and on teacher supply more broadly as a result of Covid-19.

Schools' responses to Covid-19 - Key findings for September 2020
Our second survey presents findings from a survey of 2958 senior leaders and teachers in 2203 primary and secondary schools across England on the challenges schools will face from September.

What are the Implications of Covid-19 for Student Recruitment to T Levels?
This paper presents perspectives from a July 2020 webinar facilitated in July 2020, which focused on the implications of Covid-19 for the recruitment of students onto T Levels.

Home learning during Covid-19
This report analyses data from Understanding Society (USoc) and provides a unique snapshot of home learning activities at a specific point in time – after the first month of home schooling.

Schools' responses to Covid-19 - Technical report on the Wave 1 survey
This technical report contains information about the Wave 1 survey sample and details of the analysis.

Schools' responses to Covid-19 - Key findings from early summer 2020
Our first survey captured the views of 3054 senior leaders and teachers in 2153 primary and secondary schools across England. This overview summary brings together findings on the initial impact of lockdown.

Schools' responses to Covid-19 - Support for vulnerable pupils and the children of keyworkers
Many schools continued to provide on-site education for vulnerable pupils and the children of keyworkers, plus welfare support. However, the level of attendance was low and schools were finding it challenging to get vulnerable pupils to engage with them.

Schools' responses to Covid-19 - Job satisfaction and workload of teachers and senior leaders
The majority of senior leaders and teachers were finding their working hours during lockdown at least somewhat manageable, though a notable minority were not. Both groups had higher levels of job satisfaction if they had greater control of their work.

Schools' responses to Covid-19 - Pupil engagement in remote learning
During the lockdown period, schools continued to support their pupils to learn remotely. Teachers were in contact with six out of ten pupils, but only four in ten had returned their last piece of set work. Teachers were particularly concerned about pupils who lacked access to IT and/or space to study at home.

Schools' responses to Covid-19 - Returning pupils to school
On 10 May 2020, the Prime Minister announced the phased return of some children to school in June. However, senior leaders had concerns about opening their schools to more pupils. They predicted that almost half of families would intially keep their children at home.