
02 December 2024
Experts outline 10 steps to help workers in ‘high-risk’ roles transition to growing occupations and supply the country with the skills it needs
The first recommendations from NFER's Skills Imperative 2035 project provide 10 steps to help workers in ‘high-risk’ roles transition to growing occupations.

16 September 2024
Blog: Government growth and skills policies should target career-changers
NFER Economist Michael Scott discusses how the new government needs to focus on helping people get back into work quickly when they lose their jobs, by switching careers into growing occupations.

10 September 2024
Report suggests 12 million people work in ‘high-risk' occupations which are projected to decline over the next decade
The fifth working paper from our Skills Imperative 2025 research programme adds that over one million jobs could be lost from ‘high-risk’ occupations and discusses the opportunities and challenges facing those who need to find work in growing occupations.

01 July 2024
Blog: Are employers right about skills gaps – or are we overlooking perception gaps?
NFER Research Director Luke Bocock and Sam Avanzo Windett, Deputy Director of the Learning and Work Institute, blog for People Management website on whether there is a skills gap, on the perception gap between employers and their employees.

13 June 2024
Report: Up to seven million workers may lack Essential Employment Skills to do their jobs by 2035
A new study suggests that up to seven million workers in England may lack the Essential Employment Skills (EES)* they need to do their jobs by the year 2035.

13 October 2023
Blog: Worrying workforce data demands we focus more on adult skills
NFER Research Director Luke Bocock has blogged for FE Week on why the data shows we need to focus more on adult skills.

26 May 2023
Blog: The six most essential employment skills people will need to thrive in the future workforce
NFER Director Luke Bocock blogs for FE Week on the six most essential employment skills people will need to thrive in the future workforce.

25 May 2023
Urgent action needed to prevent skills shortages and potential impact on the economy and employment
Essential employment skills required by employers now are set to become even more important in the future, according to a new report.

03 March 2022
News: Action needed to ensure future workers have problem-solving and critical thinking skills
A review of recent research and thought leadership pieces on future employment skills suggests problem solving, critical thinking and communication will become increasingly essential in the next 15 years.

23 June 2021
News: NFER leads new five-year study projecting employment skill gaps
The National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) is leading a new five-year research programme projecting the demand and supply of essential employment skills up until the year 2035.