UK SOC2020 to O*NET2019 Systematic Mapping

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Anticipated changes to the labour market threaten to exacerbate existing skills shortages, which are already a major issue. The third output from The Skills Imperative 2035 research programme analysed the demand for skills in the labour market. This involved profiling the utilisation of 161 different skills, knowledge areas, work activities and work abilities in the O*NET system for 412 occupational groups in England, showing how the skills utilised in each occupation have changed since 2010, and projecting how they will change between now and 2035.

To exploit the occupational information in O*NET, we needed to first create a systematic many-to-one mapping between the 412 unit group (4-digit) occupations in the latest UK Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2020) and the 1,016 occupations in the current US O*NET system (O*NET2019). This enables us to profile the different skills utilised in each occupation. We are now making this systematic mapping – an important update to the original O*NET2010 - UK SOC2010 - freely available to the research community, enabling further research on skills demand in the labour market.

Please refer to the  explanatory note for more details.