Next steps for science education in England

Thursday 9 December 2021

09:00 - 13:00


This Westminster Education Forum conference in December will give speakers and attendees the opportunity to discuss how to deliver high-quality science education in England, as well as what is needed to help the school workforce achieve increases in quality and attainment.

At 11:20am, NFER’s School Workforce Lead, Jack Worth, will be part of a panel discussing issues including how to meet the demand for specialist teachers, how to improve teacher recruitment and retention, the role of science technicians and priorities for professional development.

Delegates will also be given the opportunity to:

  • Reflect on a recently published research review of science education from Ofsted, highlight any areas of concern in current provision and review the recommendations for best practice.
  • Discuss priorities for the science teacher workforce, including the introduction of new national professional qualifications.
  • Hear about research published by the Royal Society of Chemistry on the Science Technician Workforce and reforms to the Early Career Framework.

Related Links:

 Presentation - Science teacher recruitment and supply

Teacher Labour Market in England Annual Report 2021 -

The Science Technician Workforce in English Secondary Schools -

Which subjects may need a bursary boost next year to attract enough new teachers? -