Schools and Academies Show 2021

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Online Event

The Schools and Academies Show will provide four virtual days designed to empower the education community to overcome current challenges in response to the impact of COVID-19, from key policy updates and best practice initiatives, to tailored workshops and live Q&As.

On 28th April at 10:30 NFER’s Head of Assessment, Liz Twist will be speaking on ‘Championing Diagnostic Assessment to Empower Teachers to Tackle Lost Learning Time’. 

On 29th April at 15:20, NFER’s School Workforce Lead, Jack Worth, will be presenting on ‘The impact of Covid-19 on teacher well-being, recruitment and retention’.

More about the event...

Presentation - The value of diagnostic assessment in a time of COVID

Presentation - Teacher Labour Market in England Annual Report 2021