The pupil premium impact on raising attainment, best practice, and the future direction of policy
Wednesday 13 May 2020
08:30 – 13:00
With the Government pursuing a levelling up agenda, this conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders and policymakers to discuss:
- the future direction of the policy - particularly concerning funding,
- the impact of the pupil premium since its introduction in narrowing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and fellow students,
- the role of pupil premium champions in forming and delivering individual school approaches to implementing the funding, and
- how disadvantaged children and those that receive the pupil premium can be supported by government during and following the COVID-19 epidemic to ensure they don’t fall behind their peers in terms of attainment.
Key speakers include:
- Professor Becky Francis - Chief Executive, Education Endowment Foundation
- Caroline Sharp - Research Director, National Foundation for Educational Research
- Helen Waite - Deputy Director, Pupil Premium and School Food Division, Department for Education
- Steve Kethero - Policy Adviser, Pupil Premium and School Food Division, Department for Education
Caroline Sharp is an experienced educational researcher, with a particular interest in social mobility. She is due to speak at 11:05am, to discuss insights from our research on ‘Using the pupil premium’; she will also be taking questions and comments from the audience after.