Hidden Talents: Exploiting the link between engagement of young people and employment
08 March 2011
The LG Group commissioned NFER to undertake research to support local authorities by identifying a range of opportunities for local authorities and businesses to work together for mutual benefit. The research also aimed to identify and provide case studies of how local authorities have and can create linkages between their work to engage young people, economic development and business support to achieve improved outcomes for young people and employers.
Key Findings
The following nine themes emerged from the case study examples identified by the research.
- Simplify opportunities for the business community to work with young people not in education, employment or training (NEET).
- Engage local businesses in strategy development and designing offers for young people NEET.
- Use communication processes to create opportunities for young people NEET.
- Support planning officers to work with businesses to create opportunities for young people NEET.
- Research the local drivers causing young people to become NEET and develop better targeted support.
- Raise awareness of how businesses and employers can offer opportunities for young people NEET, and support them to provide such opportunities.
- Take advantage of new funding arrangements to develop innovative early interventions for young people NEET.
- Identify and use potential links between initiatives for vulnerable young people NEET, enterprise development and business support.
- Involve local businesses in careers information, advice and guidance in schools.